Hey 3 rd ave hot shot

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le noun
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Post by le noun » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:00 pm

Rob wrote:M stands for mike. Cool guy- alameda regular
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Re: Hey 3 rd ave hot shot

Post by steve » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:04 pm

Not even CLOSE Rob :)

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le noun
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Re: Hey 3 rd ave hot shot

Post by le noun » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:47 am

M is a really sweet guy though.
I'd like to have his input on the whole thing: sort of see what his point of view is.
If I see him next week at the upper launch, I'll ask.

Goodtimes: no offense here, but I was pumping my kite and going out when M gave you his 14 to try, and I was actually thinking that you were getting a little bit close to shore (like almost inside the cove) before tacking back out at every tack.
Other than that, I didn't see you do anything crazy that would need anybody to yell at you but I went out for 2 hours waaaaaaaayy upwind of anybody else so I have no clue what happened at the upper launch afterwards.

I'm pretty sure Ino and you could work it out whenever you see each other at the launch next time. SS$$
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Re: Hey 3 rd ave hot shot

Post by Surf Maui » Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:20 am

"M" doesn't stand for Mike unless that is a nickname since his real name isn't a common American name.
I'll say this last bit and let it stand there. I am on vacation and don't want to spend time checking this forum to defend myself. I am happy to discuss this in person if you wish and not trash each other on this forum.

My entire day of kiting was a pleasure other than when I was aggressively approached. INO I believe you think that you didn't see "M" give me a thumbs up BUT HE DID. I didn't pick the launch position as all I did was pick the kite up while he moved to position. I already admitted to my mistake of a "toss" not a THROW. Lets both admit that if you glanced away for a split second that you could have missed that. You came running to me from quite a distance and couldn't have the same visual that I did. I repeatedly apologized to "M" because of the toss.

All the other trashing is nothing but your emotions talking. That can be seen by anyone reading this without emotional involvement. I can appreciate your credentials and I will say I expected you to be an experienced kiter (even thought we don't know each other) when I wrote my reply. No inexperienced kiter would have come on that strong. I am glad to hear you admit that you have made your mistakes in the past. I doubt that anyone posted them on a forum though. I feel that unless someone is posing a safety hazard to others the issue should be between the kiter and the launcher to resolve. In this case I understand why you may have felt it to be a public nuisance, but again I stand by the facts that I stated. All the arrogance comments directed towards me are completely unfounded and contributed to your anger. BTW while I am only a 3rd year kiter I have credentials in many other areas that are impressive on any level, by anyones standards. So I do respect your credentials but you have to respect the common sense and intelligence of others before making judgements about them based upon your impression of what you believe you saw.
Ironically I also have a story about a guy who just last week gave me a total hot launch with a huge throw when I was not at all ready (at lower launch). It almost threw me hard. I had told a friend of mine that story just 3 days earlier. So believe me I get it! This is one additional reason why you really struck a nerve with me with all your accusations.
You know, there is a reason why the others chimed in on the forum making comments on how unbelievable your described behavior of me would have been. I personally have never seen such bad described behavior in kiting so it seemed so far out there that it seemed hard to accept. I personally was shocked by the way your mind played out this scenario making me such a bad guy.You ought to talk to others who know me to find out what kind of person I am. I will also make a point (upon my return) to have "M" tell his story to you. It will align perfectly with my statements, I am sure of that.
I appreciate and accept your apology. I have made my apologies to the person I affected directly. I always strive to be a safe kiter and I have had help from many friends helping me along with that.
You made statements about setting me straight and not being as kind the next time you saw me. You need to think about how you expected me to receive that. It looks like we both have some things to learn!

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Re: Hey 3 rd ave hot shot

Post by ino » Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:43 am

Hey good times It s all good man, if you still believe that you tossed the kite and that is not a Throw, We're all good . There is nothing I can do to try to have you understand my point. I give up on this subject, I should know my limits.

There are way better experienced kiters than a visitor like me to 3rd , I'm sure they ll handle it better than my Emotional response.

Enjoy your holiday.

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Post by Rob » Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:53 am

M stands for Michael. Good guy- alameda regular

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Post by Sonny » Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:57 am

Rob wrote:M stands for Michael. Good guy- alameda regular
I don't think you should chime in if you don't know who it is.
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Post by Rob » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:20 pm

Chiming in: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

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Post by Rob » Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:23 pm


Love your YouTube videos.! Keep posting

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Re: Hey 3 rd ave hot shot

Post by NCKite_Ryder » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:24 pm

I'm thinking if you tossed the kite you're a kook. Especially for a third local...
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