Naish bar safety?

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Naish bar safety?

Post by jjm » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:06 pm

I released the safety............ and the bar goes away, leash goes taut.......... and the kite is still flying! I was standing there, holding onto the leash with one hand thinking this isn't right. The kite crashed down, but is directly down wind, and starts to get ready to relaunch. Still thinking wtf should I do, and considering releasing the leash. The kite relaunches, and I kinda shake the leash once it's up in the air, and the safety disengages. I think what happened is that the bar went up, but the velcro holding the safety in place between in the power strap stuck.

It was either still attached the way it was when I got it, or I had unvelcroed one half looking at it, but would have attempted to put it back together as it was...

Has this happened to anyone else? I think I reattached it correctly, but will have someone with a Naish bar check it out next time I'm at the beach.

The piece with the velcro tab, plastic piece with the ball ends, and the metal ring that slides up the lines is supposed to detach from the trim strap right?

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Post by Greg » Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:22 am

It sounds like you didnt have much to worrie about. If the kites safty didnt deploy it must not have had much pressure on it in which case the kite wouldn't pull for shit anyway. How hard was it blowing??
Under pressure, with the release of the bar the safty will pull the velcrow free in an instant.
The only reason a reride style safty fails is if the safty line is bound in some way. Multiple twists or a snag along the way may cause the safty to fail, if so completly release the kite (remove the safty).
Keep the lines untwisted!

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Post by jjm » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:18 am

Thanks LMG, it probably wasn't blowing that hard.

Thanks for clearing that up!

- Josh

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Post by charlie » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:19 am


still have someone look at it next time your out.

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Post by dewey » Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:55 pm

Josh it was gusting into the 20's when you went out on your 12. I'm sure it was a snag some where on your line.

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