weather changes, more extreme lulls and gusts

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Joined:Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:52 pm
weather changes, more extreme lulls and gusts

Post by jupitersup » Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:59 pm

Anyone else notice weather/wind changes in the Pacific over time?

I kited a lot in the Pismo area back in the late 90s, and flew Feb-June every windy day possible at OB from 2005-2010 and the winds used to be sooo consistent when from 270-310 deg. Sure there were some gusty days back then, but nothing like it is now.

I did a stint in an archipelago 2010-2015 and upon return to the Bay, I'm surprised how every time I fly at OB there are such extreme gusts and lulls. It's fun to aim for a gust when boosting, but then when the wind dies mid flight and I have to catfish the kite around in still air to not plummet, it's just weird! It makes me wonder if other longtime kiters are noticing a difference in lulls and gusts?

Maybe it's the warmer currents and turbulence caused by the air pushing across this gradient from open sea? I remember June/July water temp always being in the early 50s, hands stinging as life comes back into them after sesh...I haven't had one day like that since 2015. Felt like bathwater almost all year.

I remember when it'd be howling for several weeks/months straight how there'd be an upwelling that cooled the water temps. It seems like the weathers all outta whack as we're getting a few days here kiting, a few days surfing, and a few with crap light winds. The month of May had so many good September-session surf days...not complaining, just different.

Curious... S*urf

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Re: weather changes, more extreme lulls and gusts

Post by drroc » Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:05 am

I would agree that for the past few years, the Sping/Summer sessions were not as reliable and not as strong.

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