Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

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Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by ddubwinokur » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:05 pm

Hey kite mind collective, what's the most flexible TT size for the usual non-alameda East Bay conditions, for a ~180 pound intermediate kiter?

By flexible, I mean the sweet spot size for getting out in most conditions, but short enough to be jumping/spinning/etc. Big enough to save a session but small enough to have fun with.

Now, I anticipate that some comments here will be that I should just get a surfboard (strapless, bien sur). And I couldn't agree more. But, it's just gonna have to wait till 2014. So for now this question is only about ideal TT size for a kiter my weight, for common East bay wind conditions.

I'll be checking WindAlert too for historical data.

I ask here because...
1. I think there's a regular crew of guys my size hitting Berkeley/Emeryville/TP/Richmond regularly... what size works best for you!?
2. I'm getting a custom board made, want to choose the best size...!

Thanks - DW

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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by Aloha » Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:44 pm

I'm probably one of the last people to take advice from re: TT, and I can't comment on size because I'm always well powered when I pull out the TT - but one piece of feedback... my board has a lot of rocker and I think it's a great attribute

My favorite thing to do on TT is to chain load/pop ramps one after another. Eventually you get tired, and start getting sloppy and I've had a lot of no way landings stuck that I attribute to the rocker. For me it is the quality that makes the TT fun and exciting because you can ride that much more aggressively without getting burned. Hopefully they can carve some of that in for you.. Good luck!

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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by le noun » Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:54 pm

Probably around 136.
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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by recoprianto » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:22 pm

I'm riding a 139x41.5. Width is more important than length.

Look for a 41.5 or 42. Anywhere in the 133-136 length. The bigger the board, the more leverage you can put on it, the more low-end you can get out of your board, and the nicer the landings are when trying freestyle. Look for a board with decent rocker.

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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by Ron » Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:54 pm

I have a 135*42, 136*40 and 140*42 which I have used on the east bay at various locations. I mostly use the 135 as the 140 has too much rocker (great for landings but not so much for speed and going upwind). The 136 goes fast but does not offer smooth landings as it is straight as hell. i use a skimboard or surfboard on light wind days.

If i had to choose one TT to accomodate most conditions, I'd go for 136*43 or 138*42. But size without shape doesn't mean much as a smaller board can work better in light wind than a larger one if it's all flat and the other one has a lot of rocker. A smaller one would go upwind better with bigger fins, or with smaller fins but huge rails...and so on.

I'd say you need to think about what you want from the board and define all the shape features required to make this work for you. Size comes last in my opinion, it's pretty standard anyway.

And don't go for an all runner, get a custom board that will get you riding hard in your prefered conditions, no conpromise!

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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by adamrod » Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:43 am

oh man, custom eh? that's dangerous...if your shaper gets the rocker wrong by a mm, all our suggestions will be dead wrong. hopefully you've ridden boards shaped by this person already?

for width, I'd stick with 42.

for length, this really depends on rocker. for a high rocker board (like a cabrinha custom, LF DLX), you're going to want at least a 138 or maybe a 140. For a low rocker board, a 136 is probably plenty.

I don't know if your shaper is going 3 stage or progressive with the rocker, which will dramatically change the ride too. and let's not forget flex. a stiff flex means you'll want more rocker, soft flex means you can get away with flatter.

but, if you just want a generic response, a 138x42 is probably the right size.
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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by pipedragon » Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:42 pm

I ride the Naish momentum 138 and I am 6'3 200lbs. Works great. Plains early and short enough to throw around. It is shorter and wider with rocker like others suggested.

BTW just bought a Lib Tech Skate Banana for the snow. Shorter snowboard with rocker. Feels like a kiteboard on snow.

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Re: Most flexible TT board size for East Bay?

Post by ddubwinokur » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:12 am

Thanks for all the input. Board has been ordered. final size I went with is 138 x 42.

Appreciate everyone who weighed in. Now I just gotta sort out the art....

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