Do You Like Sherman Kiting? Read This!

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Do You Like Sherman Kiting? Read This!

Post by OliverG » Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:27 pm

Sherman Island is an intermediate/advanced kiteboarding site. Many hazards and dangers abound. Want to continue kiting there? Your actions will speak louder than words, so please take a moment to read this and act accordingly.

Regardless of recent posts concerning accidents at Sherman, which have nothing to do with this post and are coincidental, it's been taken on good first person authority that there is definite concern about kiteboarding at Sherman by people who ultimately play a hand in what goes down there. Feel free to contact me privately for more details, but trust me on this.

What you need to know:

1. The only reason kiters should be close to shore is if they are launching or landing. It is very important that kiters maintain a 200 yard safe-zone to prevent injuries and protect the public. It doesn't matter if you are in control and know what you are doing. If you don't adhere to this, it will be taken as defiance and disrespect.

2. The posted regulations as set forth by the Sherman Island Kiteboarding Association are still in place in the restrooms, but are covered by vegetation overgrowth at the launch, and thus not visible. As such, some do not know they are there and think they've been removed by kiters who don't want to be told what to do. Additional and more prominent signs need to be posted.

3. If accidents continue and if Sherman Island kiting is not considered safe, your access will be cancelled, and if a kid swimming or other member of the public gets hurt, that will be even worse. Do you want to be responsible for that?

What you/we need to do:

1. Post additional and more prominent guidelines and follow them. The most important one is the safe-zone close to shore.

2. Lend a hand by spotting people going out or coming in, especially at high tide. Keep an eye out on your fellow kiters you don't know and make sure they're up to kiting there safely and responsibly. Check your gear. There's no room for error or recovery if things go bad.

Not much more can be said. As with any popular spot, it's up to everyone to play a part in maintaining safety and protecting access. Show others that you care and will play a proactive role and that will speak volumes.

I'm just a messenger passing on important info that affects you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me privately.


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