No stitches required..

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Old School
Old School
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No stitches required..

Post by Greg » Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:40 pm

Here I've been..
-standing on my soap-box, preaching safety.

Next: I'm standing in front of my vise,
dull tool in my hand..

I think, this is not a very good idea!
Suddenly- there I am,

Looking down-
just a nick.
You-lucky $&!#

But it hurts just the same so I grab a rag and press it in

I stand there thinking,
But I did it again..

I take off the rag to peer inside
AWE it's just a 2 1/2 inch scratch
no stitches required...

So what is the lesson?

Who am I to be preaching safety. I do lots of stupid stuff, besides, I'd still like to try some more..

Try not to paint yourself into a corner,

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Re: No stitches required..

Post by GracieMarie » Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:02 pm

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! No bleeding allowed when I'm out of the country! :wink: No stitches, and thank your lucky stars that no STAPLES were necessary, either. Maybe we should all just wake up every morning, insert our mouth guards, strap on our helmets/eye protection, and head out.

I caught the wrong side of the skimboard yesterday and had the BEST, most dramatic fountain of blood gushing from my shin to my ankle. It didn't barely hurt, but was hella gory.

Does a day go by when something isn't injured, scratched, scraped, bumped, bruised, sprained, tweaked, clocked, jacked? Maybe in other folks lives, but I have yet to spend a day, especially you you, where I/we haven't bashed into something. Usually each other. :wink: So, I guess it's not all bad. :)

Old School
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Re: No stitches required..

Post by Greg » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:18 am

My dad observed: His fellow fighter pilots (that were super safety minded), "ended up crashing into mountains" He added, "you simply can't cover your face and ass at the same time, KEEP LOOKING FORWARD".

Yesterday, because I was in a hurry and not paying attention to what "I" was doing I cut myself. THe funny part is a moment before I knew I didn't have a good starting position. I knew I didn't have a very good clamp system either and that is why my hand was where it was. But the biggest mistake was using the wrong tool for the job. I SIMPLY WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION to what I WAS DOING- so I got stung!

Mom likes to say: "what you 'think you see' is merely symbolic of what's really going on". Life is symbolic poetry.

My point is: we screw up AND that's HOW WE LEARN. Pain and suffering are good, they help us see through our actions and prompt us to make corrections.

So I'm going to change the record-Broken records are boring.

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