KiteTheBay is in its 10th season of providing kitesurfing lessons with boat support. It's a unique way to learn that speeds the process by maximizing the time spent in the water with a kite and board. On the first lesson, you will get into the water with a full size, 4-line kite and board and are guaranteed to get up! There is no time wasted flying a trainer kite but instead you fly a normal kitesurfing kite from a boat to learn early control. Being on a boat and away from land makes learning very safe and comfortable knowing there are no bystanders or other beginner kiters around. You have endless amount of water space to work on your riding and it feels great knowing that a boat is there to pick you up after your session. All focus is placed on getting riders to the stage of riding upwind so you are able to go kitesurfing at most other kitesurfing spots around.
All gear is provided and students learn with Radio Helmets.
Lessons occur in the waters off of Treasure Island. No other kiters go here because there is no space to launch from on land, so it's totally uncrowded. This is a very windy spot in the bay with the longest season around! March through October. Rarely are lessons cancelled due to no wind.
Also Offered:
Board Skill Lessons
Foiling Lessons
Foil Surfing Lessons
For advance riders: KiteTheBay offers
Golden Gate Expeditions so you ride under the Gate with boat support. You launch from the boat and end the session on the boat.
See you out there! ... e=(direct)