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Post by OliverG » Wed May 25, 2005 6:30 pm

D wrote:I agree with Dewey, quit the lessons after learning to control the kite and body drag in the water.

I had a bad experience learning at Alameda Kite and Wind Surf. My first water lesson ended up with me under the bay bridge self-rescuing, using a Cabrihna recon that did not deploy because the wind was "too light." I was winding up the lines fighting a powered kite, getting tangled in the lines, right next to the bridge tower, in a big flood.

A tugboat pulls up and tells us to get out of the construction zone ... the new bay bridge construction zone!

I cannot imagine a more inappropriate place to learn kiteboarding!

First time on your own, grab your board and practice water starts. You'll get plenty of practice body dragging back to your board. For me at least, body dragging was a no-brainer.

Be safe, wear a helmet, etc.
I'm surprised that this happened! From everything I've seen and heard, their instruction program is top notch. I can only imagine that this was a fluke incident which may have been created by a spot of less than stellar judgement on where to instruct. Hopefully, this won't happen again and sorry to hear it happened to you. I can imagine it wasn't the most productive learning session. :roll:

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Post by bdawg » Thu May 26, 2005 7:02 am

D wrote:I agree with Dewey, quit the lessons after learning to control the kite and body drag in the water.

I had a bad experience learning at Alameda Kite and Wind Surf. My first water lesson ended up with me under the bay bridge self-rescuing, using a Cabrihna recon that did not deploy because the wind was "too light." I was winding up the lines fighting a powered kite,[highlight=red] getting tangled in the lines, [/highlight]right next to the bridge tower, in a big flood.
In my opinion it sounds like you too need another lesson after that experience. It didn't have to be with kite windsurf but anybody else. Self rescue is a critical part of learning to kiteboard. I am not trying to bust your balls (or ovaries?) but I am a believer in getting lessons to where the kiter is safe and comfortable with being by out by themselves.


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Post by dewey » Thu May 26, 2005 8:49 am


I too haven't heard a negitive review of Jeff's teachers. They all seem to be some of the best out there. By the end of the lesson the student should feel confident with the kite in the water. Some take longer to get comfortable than others. It's the responsibility of the instructor to insure that they are not a danger to themselves or others. If that doesn't happen then it was a waste of money for a lesson.

Maybe he is competent (sp?), just nervous. I still get butterflys :rolleyes:

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Lessons....Lessons....and more lessons.....

Post by Scotty » Fri May 27, 2005 8:37 am

If you are feeling like you need another lesson.....take another lesson....self confidence is a large part of this sport....lots of people will tell you "NNAAAHHH! you don't need another lesson" when in reality a lesson helps reinforce what you probably already know....looking back, I wish I had taken lessons when I first started out....

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