Twin tippers jumping in wave zone - BAD IDEA!!

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Twin tippers jumping in wave zone - BAD IDEA!!

Post by dgrissom » Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:26 pm

Not trying to be a fire safety marshal here, but OB got overrun recently by twin tippers jumping in the wave zone.
BAD IDEA for a few reasons.
1. Too close to the beach with bystanders standing all around and some wading in the water, they might get hit by your kite, or your board, or you.
2. Too close to surfers who might be out paddling even when its windy.
3. Too close to kiters who believe it or not want to SURF, so they turn with the wave and go towards shore, meaning you might land on top of one because you assumed they were going to continue on a straight line like they do in the Bay, and you launched without looking.
4. Kites crashing and flailing around in the wave zone, never a good idea.
Thank you.

Joined:Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:54 pm

Re: Twin tippers jumping in wave zone - BAD IDEA!!

Post by SrBueno » Sun Feb 02, 2020 3:30 pm

In other words its called short tacking... If your on a twin tip and you want to jump go find anywhere other than surfable waves, or ride the waves like your surfing.

Joined:Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:29 pm

Re: Twin tippers jumping in wave zone - BAD IDEA!!

Post by sewerrat » Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:52 pm

Was it this guy?!

Nothing wrong with jumping in waves, or riding a twin tip. Post should read, "Please be considerate of all beach goers, surfers, and kiters riding waves- and yield in that order!

Personally, I love seeing and hucking a good boost, but nothing ruins a session like a "short tacker" jamming up the riding zone. And sometimes that greedy short tacker is on a surfboard... Any greedy kiter needs talking to, then and there, especially when dangerous, so give em some friendly advice as to what's going on.

In close, jumping good. Rider on wave has priority, prone surfer has even more priority, and beachgoers have top priority. Luckily the last two are usually not present at OB when windy.

Must have been an epic day!

Joined:Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:52 pm

Re: Twin tippers jumping in wave zone - BAD IDEA!!

Post by jupitersup » Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:40 pm


Well said on the post title change MJ0_

Joined:Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:26 pm

Re: Twin tippers jumping in wave zone - BAD IDEA!!

Post by super_monkey » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:42 pm

What sewerrat said. You don't have the monopoly on any part of the water because you decided to bring a particular type of board with you to a particular spot that day. We all generally know each other so do what common sense dictates and don't be dropping in on someone's wave or do your jibes right where people hock unhooked kiteloops right before they're about to hock them in the butter. Also, safety margin is very relative. While for you it might be scary and out of control, for someone else it could be something rather trivial and uneventful. Perspective is key.

I rarely see any such problems though but when they do happen it's usually some asshat from out of town that probably won't be there the next day.

While we're on the subject who was the douchebag on a 10m core at doran last sunday in a hoodie, a fat impact vest looking absolutely terrible dangling and flailing while his boyfriend was taking video?

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