Maintainance of your gears

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Maintainance of your gears

Post by Hana » Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:09 pm

When I tested on flying 6m kite, I noticed my back line (left hand side-red) was slacked obviously. I didn't have time to re-adjust at that time, and it was fine on Monday, but today I re-checked everything because it was just too obvious length difference. My back line got longer maybe about 5 inches or about 15-20cm. Is this normal? I did re-adjustment to see my bar is even many times today to be as accurate as possible. But how often do you check your lines or is this normal and if line length is different, what would be potential danger? Any thoughs appreciated!

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Post by OliverG » Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:13 pm

If I notice anything strange during a session, I check my bar immediately for any problems and also to eliminate it as a source and go on to check pigtail or bridle settings, etc. Are you saying that both your back lines are excessively slack or just one? Bad enough if they both are, but if one is, that's major trouble!

Generally speaking, when your depower strap is all the way out and your bar is sheeted all the way in you should have all your lines at equal lengths. Typically, the kite is then at full power. Some Naish kites fly a little front-loaded, so it would be normal of you rear lines were 1-2cm longer, but what you mention sounds like one line is off quite a bit.

Did you experience any irregularity in steering? Did the kite pull more to one side? Is the line that's off the safety line? I have seen stretching of the safety line before when one's kite was safety-activated in very wndy conditions and the kite was flapping hard on one line that it became stretched, but based on your description, it's hard to say what it is.

As far as potential danger, yes, there would be some as your kite wouldn't behave as you expected it to if your line lengths are off, so make sure you re-check it and get it right.

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Post by charlie » Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:22 am

sometime when you boost you can strech a line .
and i think you said you were boosting the other day?
were you jumping on one side only?
i try to lump to both sides to even things out!
soo boost to both port and stareboard sides!

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Post by dewey » Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:28 am

Yoko stop boosting on the right side only. You got to learn to jump going left too. Just kidding tie all your lines to a rope and secure it around a pole and pull to see if your lines are even if, not you may want to change your lines. has good lines for a great price.

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Post by panzerfaust » Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:10 pm

Is it recommended to stretch the lines to even length?
Couple of weeks ago I went out to Alameda and strangely enough my left rear line was way longer (it turned out to be ~10-15 cm), to the point that as soon as I'd let go of the bar the kite would start turning rather quickly.
I ended up tieing the lines to my car and a piece of metal tube and stretching all to same length. Is there a problem with doing that?

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Post by Hana » Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:26 pm

It's just my natural instinct but I wouldn't stretch lines intentionally. My back line (Yes, only 1 side-Ollie) may have been stretched due to some pull incidents. Now I think about it, my board was stuck in between my bar (back/front lines) when I tried to relaunched (accidentally, and quick pull) and I'm assuming one outerline (backline) was stretched due to this. I adjusted by cutting the plastic coating part close to bar and made a extra knot and put the line back on. I wouldn't stretch lines. I am thinking if it's ok to use a stretched line. Should I get a new set of lines. I probably will just so I have an extra just in case.

And yes, I will work on both sides jumping evenly. :-)

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Post by OliverG » Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:19 pm

panzerfaust wrote:Is it recommended to stretch the lines to even length?
Couple of weeks ago I went out to Alameda and strangely enough my left rear line was way longer (it turned out to be ~10-15 cm), to the point that as soon as I'd let go of the bar the kite would start turning rather quickly.
I ended up tieing the lines to my car and a piece of metal tube and stretching all to same length. Is there a problem with doing that?
It's not unheard of to have to do that. It shouldn't be a problem. Maybe keep an eye on them for a bit after your adjustment.


Post by Guest » Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:36 am

lines are prestretched, i really dont think stretching of 15-20 cm of stretching is normal, sounds more like a defective set of lines.

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