Final Report from Brazil...

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Final Report from Brazil...

Post by KirkTalon » Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:46 am

The next person that tells me that Global warming is a lefty conspiracy theory is getting slapped. So here I am 4th trip to Natal in Northern Brazil, laughing that everyone I know goes to Fortaleza while an hour south there are uncrowded, super consistent, beautiful beaches...only to be greated by 3 days of pouring-non-stop fricking rain...non stop.

Locals are telling me they have never seen anything like this...EVER!!! But hey I've got family here, food is good and I got jet leg...good way to excuse the situation for the first 2 days...3rd day I am almost crying in frustration...

Fourth day I get a little brake in the weather and run of to BUZIOS and score 2 hours of no more that ok wind, but the visual is just beatiful...till it rains...again!!!

Fifth day I go to Pirangi and reconnect with Ricardo (kite shop owner and local pro) and get a few hours of not bad wind with a gnarly storm front looming on the horizon. Honestly some of the hairiest but coolest kitting I have ever done...Me a guy from Spain and a local kid rode up to open ocean and rode back racing the storm front with gusty wind, hearts racing and giant grins on hour faces...Landed on the beach just in time to dump the kites and hyde under a palapa type cabin, shivering and laughing like crazy people. If you remember the story from last years trip about me pulling a drawning kiter year old out of the water and receiving no help from a German guy (My Brother's Keeper A kiteboarding traveling story)

Well guess what...???The A whole is still there, still kitting like a jerk turning without looking, slamming his kite on others (2x on mine). On the other hand the kid I helped is still kitting and doing much better now, claimed that after that experience he definitely knows where his releases are.

Last day before cruising to the farm...BEST DAY EVER!!! The place is called Barra do CUnhau and it was unbelievable . The place was visually stunning, great wind, super hotel right at the beach with grass area, compressor, hose, practice bars, booze bar, great food and vibe...

My Ocean Rodeo kites behave like champs and although for the first time I did not travel with a small kite (left my 8 behind) my 10 m rise did great.

I am now chilling at my wife's family's farm after my inlaw's 50th year anniversary. No kitting, but great farm food, music, hammock afternoon naps and night time caipirinhas. All in all great times and I hope to be back next year and if I can convince some of you to make it a trip I will take care of logistics.

Looking forward to riding SI, hanging with the tribe and seeing what is up with the OR crew (who did great at Canada by the way). The 09 kites look sick.

If all goes will I arrive on Saturday and hope to be in the water on Sunday.

Cheers to all

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RRD, Mystic

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