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Post by OliverG » Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:08 am

Pablito wrote:
Also, car batteries are recycled when they are dead -- or at least, they are supposed to be. That's what core charges are for. When you go into the Kragen to get a new battery, if you don't bring an old one in, they charge you more. The old batteries get refurbished. Last time I checked, it was illegal to throw a car battery into a garbage can. The batteries in a hybrid are worth many $1000s of dollars; when they wear out you can bet that they are going to get refurbished, too.
I know this is off-topic and probably should be discussed over cold beers (in a warm place, brr!), but Pablitos points are true about hybrids, batteries will get recycled and sure, there will come a time when the batteries of a hybrid car will need to be replaced, but hybrid owners are well aware of that prior to purchase I'd assume.

However, Zeev has indicated that he's willing to give biodiesel a try, so when his tank runs dry in a few days I'm going to hook him up with a full tank of biodiesel fuel for his travels. Chip is also looking for a swanky MB wagon to get off the grid as well.

The benefit is less dependence on foreign oil and reduced emissions for which many people are more than willing to eventually replace batteries for. They can drive down the road with a clearer conscious knowing they are making a difference and not supporting all the shit that oil brings with it politically and globally. Take biodiesel for instance - we're seeing that plenty of people are willing to pay a premium, currently $3.63/gallon in Berkeley to be "off the grid" and run biodiesel with 80% fewer emissions, renewable, etc, etc. ExxonMobil posted 9.9 billion in profits last quarter, global warming is causing increased natural catastrophes globally and who knows how much longer Bush wants to stay in Iraq, not to mention what's next, so I don't understand how people who really take a moment to think about it can say that oil dependence is not a problem.

The next big thing could be a biodiesel-hybrid. Almost no emissions and no gas or petro-diesel at all.

Anyway, we will run out of oil.


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Post by charlie » Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:31 am

can you adjust it on the fly to tune it for power? (the fifth line)
and i do agree with spending time with your kite.
and isn't the north vegas billed as a beginner to intermediate kite?
I like to fly, not just hang on and ride.
I know a couple of kiters coming off of naish boxers, going over to north vegas; they seem to really like the vegas.

and ya ya every time i kite someplace narly theres'a north kite hangin'
with me

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Post by fearlu » Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:43 am

Disclaimer: I love my ZH kites, have ridden a lot of other new products for comparison's sake and my friend is the distributor for RRD. Yup, I'm biased...

I think we all know that Zeev is... well, a stout and jovial Russian-born fellow who votes Republican. This is compunded by the fact that his name is spelled funny and he looks a little goofy too. He's bound to have some unusual opinions. For example, he attributes global warming to termites. Therefore, his opinions about bow kites are slightly suspect IMHO. Just like yours and yours and yours and mine. (He's still a great ambassador for the sport and a good friend to all who know him.) To some degree we're all full of it! That's called diversity and freedom of expression.

This thread is about the many options we have for GREAT equipment. Nice problem to have, don't you think? Don't forget we're just trying to waste time here until the wind blows again. We're writing tongue-in-cheek (I hope) when we get critical and fit in a little truth now and then. Our cultural backgrounds, genetic make-up and chemical imbalances all serve to create the opinions we hold. Plus, it's true, some riders are equipment whores. Some only want to ride the "next big thing". Some try to ride it all and see what suits them best. That's why BAK is so GRAND! We can spout, speculate, commiserate, bullshit, misspell, spew, rant and insult while knowing the whole time that once we all see each other at the beach after a killer session we SHARE far more than we don't. It's the FEELING we get from kiting that creates this common ground that is unknown to the outsiders!

I've often thought how fortunate we are to be on this planet during a period in history when creative people invented snowboarding, mountain biking, windsurfing and kiteboarding. I can't wait to see what's next! (No, I don't mean ballroom dancing.)
Go bigga'

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Giving Thanks

Post by OliverG » Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:03 am


Your words are true indeed. It's not Thanksgiving yet, but I am thankful for many things, among the following:

#1. We have tons of great gear to choose from and are blessed with a very long kiting season. For some of us, it never stops, just becomes less frequent!

#2. The Bay Area is an awesome place to live filled with people with "cultural backgrounds, genetic make-up and chemical imbalances" which makes it even better. I think it's safe to say that we can let loose with our opinions and ideas here and, like Dave says, we're still happy to see each other on the beach time and time again. The nice thing about a site like this is that the noise/flame level remains pretty low knowing that you might have to see the person on the beach that you just flamed. We go beyond cyberspace!

Those are just a few things that come to mind. Let us look forward to Thanksgiving, winter winds and trips to warm places for some.
Last edited by OliverG on Wed Nov 09, 2005 6:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Post by D. » Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:25 am

Hey Panzerfaust, you've got bigger things to worry about, like how to keep that board on your feet :)

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Post by charlie » Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:45 pm

thanks big d!
and yes mr zeev is a GREAT ambassador for are sport.
it just felt like he pulled my pants down after i went swim n ...

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Post by panzerfaust » Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:53 pm

D. wrote:Hey Panzerfaust, you've got bigger things to worry about, like how to keep that board on your feet :)

isn't that the truth. But you see, I've become fanatical about this whole kite thing. I mean, if I'm not looking where it's windy then I'm looking at something closesly related to it. It's like when I was into modifying my M3. I didn't care if I couldn't use the horsepower everyday I only cared for the times that I could. I know that my Rages are pleanty enough but I think I just want something different. It's like when I got the first forced induction system for the car. Soon I realized that a supercharger wasn't quite what I was looking for and then came the turbo :).

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Post by D » Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:47 pm

Dude, you need to take a leave of absence from work and go to Maui for three months. Share a house with a gang of kiters and when you return, you will forever know peace and happiness.


Post by politics » Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:28 pm

chemical imbalances, Dave, you rule!!!!

For the record:
* I am indipendent, and both parties in the US suck.
* Prince charles is a goofball, and who cares what he thinks???
* There is NO Global Warming! That my chemically imbalanced friends, is a scientific fact.

Now let's get some wind + waves, Z.

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Post by Pablito » Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:53 pm

Yeah, well, if all of you guys had never started kiting you never would have anyone who doesn't believe in global warming... I, on the other hand, get to spend one night every month hanging out with a whole room full of people who agree with Z. -- my monthly Farm Bureau meeting.:shock:

You should come up sometime, Z, give you a break from the Bay Area. Second Tuesday of the month, 7 pm. :mrgreen:

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