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Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:02 pm
by friggin old guy
Just out of curiosity I checked with the Coast Guard to see if they had any reports of this incident.....apparently not. I think the surfboat was responding to the guys that got washed up on Seal Rock.

I was feeling like sort of a wuss for not going out either day......I didn't have my gun so I didn't want to go out with the wrong equipment in triple overhead conditions......but if somebody like Mike Parsons can get taken down (temporary paralysis/near drowning due to spinal compression) I'm feeling sort of vindicated. Glad he's going to be ok.

These guys in the boat are lucky they were able to get under way after that, but I'd love to know how badly their asses were kicked by that wave....anybody have any info?

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:15 pm
by Loscocco

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:54 pm
by le noun
friggin old guy wrote: These guys in the boat are lucky they were able to get under way after that, but I'd love to know how badly their asses were kicked by that wave....anybody have any info?
From what I could read on the other forum they're talking about a cracked hull and a few broken bones. Could be just rumors.
The passenger who flies through the air and lands on the bow must have felt the 30 foot dive though.

Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:34 pm
by jsin138
PK took his videos down??? Hmmm, I wonder what that's about.

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:12 pm
by Aloha
The only thing more classic than the bad energy OB local surfer bruh hoping they get clipped by an outside break before dropping: "Ocean Beach afterall is self-regulating" is the dubstep completely jumping off the instant everybody lets out the curled lip bro yelp

That remix is so good
C9aUd.gif (1.92MiB)Viewed 2212 times

Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:23 am
by sc-surfer
Video is gone from Vimeo. What gives??

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:55 pm
by peta
I just came across this one. Its his brother .... S*urf +*!@
<iframe src=" ... 4528407504" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:05 pm
by ozchrisb
That gif is mesmerizing!

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:31 pm
by Kevship
I was at the beach all day Sat, surfed 3x overhead waves all morning. I was hanging out in the afternoon when i saw this happen, dumbest shit i've ever seen. I thought it was interesting as soon as they got the boat going (after a few minutes) they hauled ass back under the gate, seriously injured for sure...

Re: Kinda Sketchy...

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:21 am
by SFPete
As you all know, there is a U-shaped bar outside the gate that helps kick up some of the waves on OB. Boaters are supposed to know to stay well away from it and enter it only at the shipping channel when a big swell is running. There is supposedly a south channel that runs near OB but it is to be used only with local knowledge and in settled conditions. Neither of those seem to have been present with the yahoos in the cigarette boat. They are lucky they made it.