First time ìToe Sideî transitionÖ

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K. Cliff
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Post by K. Cliff » Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:02 am

You've been a busy man! Turner and hooch!? I loved that movie... I'm going to look at these movies and shows a lot different now. That sounds like it's right up your ally w/horny. Pretty cool stuff Rich.
Shuttles available upwind from Pittsburg and Sherman all summer. Come see what kiting west has to offer.

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Post by fearlu » Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:44 am

Rich, I'll never forget my first toe-side transition. (She was blonde I believe.) Nuk, nuk.

Meanwhile, here's my free intermediate tip of the day: as long as you agressively throw the kite onto the new tack, you can swing your hips (spin the board 180) at any time during the turn and be lit through the move.

This is what makes it so much more fun than poleboarding, which I know you love, since the kite/board events are independently timed. In other words, you can spin your hips then whip the kite, whip the kite then spin your hips, or any combination in between. Add the "Ollie" (pop the board before the hip-spin to release the edge pressure) and you will be flying through turns (literally.)
Go bigga'

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Post by Wildting » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:37 am

Hey RB,

Don't forget to start on your natural side.

If you're goofy footed like me, then go from a starboard heelside reach and turn onto your toes going port.

You probably don't need to reverse the kite too quickly at first and can just raise it slowly. Ride downwind and if you get going to fast, just puss out and chase the kite.

If you're running out of juice, then dive it and gradually edge up against it. Drop your left hand and control your kite with your right. This will allow you to twist your body in the direction you're riding, helping you edge.

Like everything else, it will feel unnatural at first and it seems you can't get as high upwind, that's ok. You'll kill all speed if you pinch too hard anyway.

Reverse the kite again and go to your heel riding starboard. Rinse and repeat.

Once you get that down, get out there in a flood, ride up to where the swells are and start smacking 'em!

Have fun!

=D> =D>

p.s. I can try to translate this for you "regular footed" folks, or you can use a mirror! ha ha! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Post by Proparoo » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:50 am

Man, You guy are the best....

Yah, It goes without saying, if I don't drop my kite I am not trying new things.. This is true, but unlike all other soprts I do, kiteing has me kind of freeked out as the penilty points are pretty high. So till now I have been happy just working on my form, kite skills and board skills.

So now I am ready and all this great advice is going through my head...

I think what I will start out with is going along on my good side (port / regular) and start doing turns further & further downwind and then throw the kite the other direction and start riding a bit toe side and then turn back to heel side. I will do this till I am ready to do an "ollie' and switch the board.
It's this switch that has me most worried... but I really don't think there will be a problem..

Thanks to all, I feel I am ready, now all I need is wind and some balls...
Rich "ATOM" Baum

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Post by adamrod » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:29 pm

Or, take a trip to a warm sunny tropical kite location (i.e. DR) and not worry quite so much about wiping out and dropping the'll be amazed at how fast you improve when you don't worry about falling.

now all i need to do is take my own advice and finally try a kiteloop. grr. I guess that's my baja goal.
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Post by Bulldog » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:07 pm

The penalty points really aren't that high...

The worst thing that is going to happen to you trying to ollie or turn toeside is that you're going to face plant in the water, which doesn't hurt at all.

If you drop your kite in the water, the worst thing that can happen is that you will get blown in to shore and have to pull your safety. This is something you need to get used to doing, anyway.

The most dangerous things you are likely to do kiting right now is launch and land. Until you get to the expert tricks, kiting is one of the most forgiving extreme sports mediums. Just compare notes with someone learning to snowboard, or learning to ollie on a wakeboard.
aka Pablito
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