The Lesson..

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Old School
Old School
Joined:Fri Mar 05, 2004 6:45 pm
The Lesson..

Post by Greg » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:34 am

Winston Churchill said: "If you find find yourself in HELL- keep GOING"

Many of you have heard about the four guys that were lost at sea when their boat flipped over 38 miles off Florida...
Those that have followed this story are now hearing more details about that horrific ordeal..
My first glance of the boat in the water- I noticed something missing that might have saved all four men, no matter how strong...
Now I know that strength alone will not save you. You need to keep your HEAD, conserve for power, remain flexible and hold on to faith.

As powerful and fit as those men were, they couldn't hang on and swim in the ocean forever.. The boat's bottom was very slick. The sea's were up.. As bad-ass as these guys were- I'm sure they became paralyzed with fear..

I listened today to the recounting of the experience by a close friend of the lone surviver: Waves would come and wash the guys away from the boat, They would swim back to the boat, this continued until just one man hung onto the propeller/tail of the section of the vessel..

I was once aboard a vessel that attempted to cross that very same section of water in a 60' Sport-fisher.. As you enter the Gulf-Stream the waves can become very square (confused) due to the current running against the wind.. Trust me!- It's very exciting to watch half of the boat your on suddenly get washed over by 10-12' waves- this experience is amplified when your 45' high on the top of the tuna-tower, as I was. The vessel pitched over 45 degrees sideways as I tried to NOT become air-born and tossed off the boat.. All of this came as HUGH surprise to me for I was aboard a boat commanded by what was supposed to be a highly experienced Captain...

Thankfully- I made it down to the bridge.. A few moments later, the boats owner made it to the bridge and COMMANDED the Captain to turn around... (the owner was over 75 years of age, the Captain was over 60- two young men were also aboard- NOT ONE of US had a life jacket ON!!!) This was a truly harrowing situation.. Each of us grabbing life jackets- the Captain turning the vessel and running/dodging combined seas that could swamp the boat in seconds.. Looking down and seeing water had filled the back of the boat- knowing that if engines cut out we would be in REAL TROUBLE. Thinking the wooden boat might bust apart as water exploded off the sides, I began to think about my surfboard below- for I know that sometimes the smallest floating object makes the best device to handle really rough seas..
Very Scary Stuff-

We returned to the Bahamas post-hast! Soon after that I was kiteboarding just outside the harbor and having the time of my life..
Now I'll return to their lesson:

Well these guys probably didn't have much experience in the ocean, surly they didn't know what was really going on.. A life jacket alone won't do it- you need something else to hang on to.. The lone surviver- hung onto his faith and his will to live. The thought about his mother.. and his strengths carried him through...

What might have saved some of the others was just a few feet below them. They likely had anchor and bow lines sufficient to tie off a harness across the bottom of the vessel.. To pull this off, they would have had to first KEEP THEIR HEADS! Then they would need to swim under the boat and find the lines- bring them up and over the bottom, tie them together with proper knots and secure themselves TOGETHER to the harness.. Furthermore- they would have to deal with the rolling seas that would surly cover them over and over again- they would have to breath only when they could, when the vessel popped back up in rhythm with the waves.. Furthermore- they would have to have enough faith that the boat would not sink once they had the harness in place. The best thing to do would be to secure all of themselves to the harness should some loose focus or get to weak to hold on...
Those that have crossed the troubled waters have much to teach the rest of us. And this is but one story of a heroic struggle to live.. The story's each of us have- need to be told and passed along. For the hardest lessons of life don't always have to be replayed in our own reality. Every lesson in life, no matter small has width and depth beyond our comprehension. Each of us are living spirits- balls of energy, globes of white light, covered in skin and bones.. Usually all we see is the surface.. Meditate on this concept- see your brothers and sisters for what they really are, a part of the whole.. Each unique and different, yet strangle similar... If you see deep enough- you will find yourself floating in space- a seeming vacuum of nothingness except trillions of dots of light.. I've seen orb's with my naked eye, seen the human Ora in broad daylight- I've felt the spirits all around once connected.

The Hawaiians call this stuff Talking Story, Many will think it simple Bull-shit, I choose to refer to it a "history".. (If you break that down you get, His Story)...
I hope someday to hear yours,

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