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Having fun!!

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:50 pm
by Greg
Hi Snacks,
Come on down as often as you can (when theres wind) between now and your next lesson to Alameda and meet the crew, hang out and fly a trainer (keep up your skills!). I'm sure people be happy to give you some more pointers and maybe go for a drag or two with you when conditions premit.
Speaking of BOW kites, I just got some new NAISH Shockwaves and they are AMAZINGLY EASY TO FLY! I simply cant believe how easy these new kites are to operate, I would be happy to show you how they work. I live in Alameda so I kite Alameda pretty often, give me a call. (510) 882-9389.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:40 pm
by jstjohn3

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:56 pm
by Snacks
I went out this morning!!!! You guys are crazy, all hung over freezing, walking out your lines. It was super gusty-very intimidating. The area where you guys set up is so small --next time (better conditions) I am going to ask to be dragged around a bit. I am sure people would rather kite then drag me around but it doesn't hurt to ask.

You guys are awesome and have been so much help- If anyone wants tips on surfing or cooking I know stuff about that ;)

ARRRRR I want to get out there so bad. In due time.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weather.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:03 pm
by consumer
HAHA JON you can't be serious, SHELDON's lessons? man are you trying to scare her out of the sport? hah.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:22 pm
by jowall
Hey Snacks:

For any topic whether it's Math, English or Kiting, there's a big difference between people who are good at it and those who can teach others. I took lessons w/Sandy up at Sherman and she was great. Really good teacher. I'm sure there are many other good teachers out there too, but there's one testimonial.


Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:27 pm
by gomez72
jowall wrote:Hey Snacks:

For any topic whether it's Math, English or Kiting, there's a big difference between people who are good at it and those who can teach others. I took lessons w/Sandy up at Sherman and she was great. Really good teacher. I'm sure there are many other good teachers out there too, but there's one testimonial.

I have to agree that Sandy and her brother Donny are both very good teachers.
The best part is that they dont stop to teach, after the lesson is over.
To this day they still teach me something.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:43 pm
by Greg
With your background in surfing you will pick up kiting in no time. My suggestion is to get a 2 or 3m trainer and keep flying it to tell you get another lesson just to keep up your skills and stoke!
For what its worth, I learned to kite at Alameda back before the time of lessons with a strapelss surfboard. I started with a solid background in surfing and only had to learn to appy power to the mix. Its really a snap on a surf board. The hardest thing for me was going upwind (I was on foils then), I was used to going with the flow (I.E. surfing not edgeing). In contrast, the new S.L.E. kites make going upwind is SOOOO easy! Your going to be off and running in no time with a kite.
I'm down in S.D. trying to get in some surf and hopefully some kite surfing. BTW, I just picked up a 5'10" stinger, this baby is going to kill it in the surf with a kite (SWING!).

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:10 pm
by Snacks
I have my 3m and really I just dive bomb my dog with it, but you are right I will keep on playing with it. Maybe I can use it in the water??? I don't know. I was thinking about selling it to help pay for a 7m.

Thanks for the advice, I am not too worried about the board stuff, I am not afraid of that water and I surf about 3 mornings a week.

I wish I hadn't have waited so long to start, it is just so pricey I wanted to make sure I wasn't getting into it on a whim--a year later I am pretty sure.

Have fun in S.D. enjoy the nice waters.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:02 pm
by consumer
not even a contest, sandy and donny are the kings of teaching. The only problem is that they may not be teaching this year, which is why i did not recommend them earlier.

If they do make it out, you scored.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:05 pm
by OliverG
consumer wrote:not even a contest, sandy and donny are the kings of teaching. The only problem is that they may not be teaching this year, which is why i did not recommend them earlier.

If they do make it out, you scored.
At Sherman Island, right?, which is not even going to be viable for a bit, could be a few months easy... If you're ready to go now, the best best in Bay lessons is Kite Wind Surf in Alameda...