Insurance for rental cars ventana?

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Post by Greg » Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:26 pm

whatever you do, get insured!
I spent a few days in jail in T.J., a gal that was in there (in jail) had been confined for many days for an accident (DUI maybe). Bottom line she said she wasent provided a lawer or a phone call becouse she didnt have insurance.
Trust me you dont want to go there.. insurance is CHEAP in a country where you are considered guility into proven innocent.

marina cc
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Post by marina cc » Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:08 am

thanks everyone for your input. I definitely want insurance down in Mexico... just trying to figure out the most economical and best/reliable coverage.

What I have found is this:
It boils down to your credit card and the car company
Check your credit cards for travel coverage
Check the car rental company for their policy
Bring it in writing to the rental office

What we found is that we were covered for collision with our credit card so we do not need that insurance. However, the car company (National) requires that if you do not take insurance at $11/day for economy car, you must take third party liability insurance for $7/day. We can try and get this coverage in the US and bring paperwork to Mexico, but its a crap shoot depending on agent.

RE: car rental, I know that you can get something at the car rental agency but we want a relatively hassle free car experience. You have to keep checking the internet for pricing and when you see the loss leader deal, grab it! We got an economy car for 14 days for $216. A few hours later, the offer was gone. Up to two weeks ago, we haven't found anything online under $400.....

Joined:Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:25 am

Re: Insurance for rental cars ventana?

Post by Avesh » Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:16 am

Before traveling to a destination country, you certainly need to know some basic details including how to apply for a visa and fees. As I came across numerous websites in India, I found an interesting one that provides detailed travel information, available visas, fees, what to do, facts, and all. I'm glad to share with you guys. Please check this out!!

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