Accident at 3rd Ave Fri 7/1/05

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Accident at 3rd Ave Fri 7/1/05

Post by loserdavies » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:56 am

Yesterday at 3rd ave we almost lost a fellow kiter in light wind. I want to stress this was light wind conditions. The chart says it was blowing 18 MPH on Coyoteís sensor but the wind near shore was more like 15 MPH. A kiter that was a beginner put up a 14M kite. As he was walking to the waterís edge he sent his kite through the power zone lifting him up about 3 feet but downwind about 10 feet or so. Another kiter immediately grabbed him but he kept swimming his kite back and forth. Not hard but enough to lift him up. He was ripped from the grip of the person holding him done and skipped along the edge. He hit the grassy area south of the launch and fell face forward. At which point he panicked. His equipment was new and he had safety systems. He had a release at his chicken loop that would have released his kite completely and he had a release above his bar that would have released 3 lines of the kite. As we watched him on the ground he let go with one arm and pulled hard on the kite with the other sending the kite looping. He hit head first into a large log and then head first into the rocks along the path. He was unconscious for approximately 5 minutes. 911 were called immediately. It took them about 10 minutes to reach him. By that time he was conscience and we could evaluate some of his wounds. He had severe head injuries. Fortunately no broken bones that was noticed at the time. He was taken to the hospital by the ambulance but I believe he will be fine. His name is Art and if we can get some information on him from someone who knows him that would be great. Couple of things I learned from watching this take place. The upper launch at 3rd is not a place for beginners. I know certain people teach there and I do not want to make statements against any teachers and I donít know if he even took lessons there but I do know that a narrow launch with more hazards than most places is a recipe for disaster. He should have worn a helmit. And he should have had someone help him to the water. All those things are helpful but many times on forums I have read about kiters getting hurt in gusty high wind conditions. This was light wind, meaning it can happen in any condition. The paramedics said they pulled someone from the same spot last year. The paramedics also said that they had trouble getting to him because too many cars were stacked at the entrance to the parking lot at the lower launch and they had to clear cars at the gate. Do you want to be responsible for someoneís death because you have to park one spot closer? The kiter had about 5 seconds from when he got into trouble to release the kite. Yesterday reminded me about how much more valuable I am than my kite. Please know you safety systems. And thanks to all those that helped.


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:17 am

He misssed a an 18 inch metal rod sticking straight out like a spike, by maybe 10 inches. had he hit that who knows.

I watched it as well.

I commented on Art in a different thread on kiteforum, and a response I got over there was :" Stuff happens, and a helmet is an extra 60 bucks that some kiters can't afford" are you kidding me.

This guy looked EXACTLY like that guy on SNL called Head Wound Harry. It was sick, and scary. I looked at LoserDavies and said " He's dead isn't he" This guy was a twisted mess on the rocks. How he was able to sit up is beyond me. I said a prayer for him last night. But really it's the comments about safety that we need to discuss.

Gabe made great comments about Alameda and it's possible close, and certification. What comments came back? (go read that thread) It was all defensive, finger pointing etc....
Gabe is right and so is Steve, we need to work together. Drop the ego's.
Let's be nice and helpful, but also severe when trouble is at hand. I assumed he was in a lesson when I saw the guy holding him down. But found out he wasn't. My guess (only a guess) is that he bought used gear and was teaching himself.
GABE is right...certify. If you can't afford a 60 buck helmet and lessons. Take up tennis.
Can you imagine going online and buying scuba equipment and just winging it in the ocean. This sport probably loses more people a year.
We can be PRO active, or just continue to be RE active.
I hope Art is OK, and I hope he gets on the water again some day.


Post by Kies » Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:18 am

forgot to sign above



Post by Pablito(guest) » Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:17 am

I've never been to 3rd Ave. Who would be the people checking certification? Are there staff there, or would it be a volunteer situation. Who would be the person to say "You can't kite here because you don't have a helmet", etc.

It seems to me like some of the kite companies are going to have to step up to make any enforcement effort happen at areas where there are no lifeguards or other type of "enforcers" with recognized authority. I mean, looking out for other people is one thing, but telling someone they can't kite is another. Many sites/regions have a local org, but for them to take on restricting access is a big step. If someone was going to do that all day, they'd need some sort of compensation. Free gear comes to mind.

Many small ski resorts have volunteer patrols who get free season passes in exchange for their efforts. Obviously, a kiting site like Sherman isn't a for-profit institution. The profit in this sport is going to the kite companies...connect the dots.


Joined:Tue Oct 19, 2004 12:21 am
Location:Palo Alto CA

Post by RobsterCraw » Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:40 am

Makes me feel better about being timid in places like 3rd.

I hate light wind

Joined:Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:49 am

Post by knyfe » Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:17 pm

I saw it too yesterday. I gave up after I saw it. I think it was even lower than 15knots, probably 12-13 knots. He was holding hiss bar like hee and didnt try to reach out for his QR.

Basically everybody knows how difficult the upper lauch is and I guided so many beginners to the water. There were a lot of people around and this accident was clearly avoidable. Everybody knows that the slippery ground is horrible even for trained kiters. Therefore we always have a good community feeling there and everybody is willing to help and support.

In this case I really dont know what to say. Lets just hope the best for him and wait until he is recovered and can make his own statement.

Three things are clear:
- No Helmet
- Didnt instinctivily use his QR systems
- Didnt ask for assistace


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:32 pm

I don't have all the answers either. I do know that they closed a beach in orange county. Then someone spent his own coin to train 30 lifegaurds and posted strict rules for kiting down there and made a comprimise to get it opened (limited hours).

Sure, your points are valid on the checking cert's, He was just stating what gabe said about alameda, and alameda is different . 3rd??.

I wil say this though. Keep our heads in the sand, and we'll all be banned.
I rarely kite 3rd due to the fact that it is contaminated water, and not convenient. Maybe your right, let's just wait til places are shut down, and then let the manufacturers figure out a system to get us going again.

Why not take control and self regulate. Oh Yeah, cuz we are americans and expect everything to be done for us. fine


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:08 pm

Below is a copy/paste of what happened that I posted on Ikitesurf. I'm putting it here as well since it seems that many bay area kiters visit here. Just wanted to get this info out there. If it means one less person gets hurt, then it's all worth it. One quick side note, please do not under any circumstances park in the fire lane at 3rd (in front of the gate by the carpets). This was a definite issue for the paramedics yesterday trying to get through and it held them up for at least 5-10 min. This could be the difference between life and death in an emergency such as yesterday. I realize that this is more of an issue with the windsurfers, but we just wanted to put the word out to everyone. Thank you!

An unknown kiter (relative newbie/non-local kiter?) launched his '04 Nitro 14 hooked in to his harness with no visible kite leash. The sheeting strap was fully powered up and he brought the kite up too high and too fast. As soon as he was spotted getting lifted, a quick reacting beginner ran over and grabbed him and pulled him down. The two of them seemed to have the situation under control and started walking out towards the water so most of us went about our business. However, upon glancing back at them only a few seconds later, the guy seemed to be flying the kite a little too crazy (sweeping it back and forth between 11 and 1 o'clock). This picked him up again a couple of feet off the ground; they managed to hold him down. Between his swinging in the air and the fact he wouldn't stop sweeping the kite back and forth around 12, he finally ripped himself free from the guy trying to hold him down (breaking the holders finger in the process). At this point everyone was yelling at him to eject/let go/pull the release. However, he instead took his left hand off the bar and yanked the right side (probably in an attempt to try and get his balance). This just sent the kite into 2 1/2 down loops pulling him in midair, headfirst right into the rocks. Everyone feared the worst as we ran over and called 911. The good news is that he is alive and was concious when the ambulance arrived. It appeared that he put a nice sized gash in his head above his right eye and probably got a whopper of a concussion. The ambulance took him away and the extent of his injuries haven't been confirmed. So if anyone knows this guy, please let him know that we wish him a speedy recovery and that his kite, bar and harness will be at the shop (Helm of Sun Valley). No sign of a board left up there.

Now for a couple of quick tips for ALL KITERS (newbies to pros).
- Please always know your limits (better to bag it and miss a day than to never kite again). Your poor judgement can not only hurt you, but the entire kiting community as well as put innocent bystanders in harms way.
- When in doubt, please don't be too embarrassed or afraid to ask for help. We were all beginners once and should have some patience for those making an honest effort to safely learn this sport.
- Remember that there is no safer way to launch than to launch unhooked using a kite leash with the strap fully depowered. As a beginner, if you can't hold down that kite under these conditions, it means you're on too big of a kite for that day.
- There is no subsitute for a good and thorough lesson from a reputable school with qualified instructors.
- Consider wearing a helmet. It just makes good sense.
- Test all safety releases and make sure you fully understand how they work before going out on any new gear (and don't be afaid to use it - it's there for a reason)
- As fun and super addictive as this wonderful sport is, please always remember ...... SAFETY FIRST! The fun will always be there.

Phil Sobolev
Helm of Sun Valley
333 N. Amphlett Blvd.
San Mateo, CA 94401


water quality at 3rd

Post by guest » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:14 pm

I offer hopes and prayers for art and wish him nothing but a quick recovery. any accident is sad regardless of cause.

umm on a nonrelated tip, someone said that the
3rd ave water is contaminated? PLease go on ... where can i find out more about the quality of the water i kite in, or do I not want to know. I mean I figured just south of SFo in the muddy bay wouldnt be pristine but am I really going in to a toxic dump or what? should i start kiting crissy before I glow in the dark? How does it compare to SI , alameda, crissy and emery?


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:26 pm

Every time I kite there I take some water home in a jar. I use the jars to light my garden path. It's Jet Fuel.
Here is a true test. Leave an open wound, open, while kiting alameda or 3rd ave....I have. :roll:

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