KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

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KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by Bulldog » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:23 pm

Been watching some of the compilations from the eventhttp://www.sbckiteboard.com/video_displ ... ---Day-2-W (today was Day 4), and it's pretty hard not to notice something is definitely missing from the contest:


A few years from now, straps on directional kiteboards will be relics of history. Straps on twintips serve an important purpose, but putting them on surfboards was a holdover from windsurfing. They actually make riding in almost any situation more difficult and hamper your ability to ride waves. I see more and more intermediate kiters going to straight to strapless when they first start riding directional boards, especially women, who seem to really appreciate the freedom of not having their feet stuck in the same position on the board all the time. And while there are some really good riders out there who still ride straps, every year there are fewer and fewer of them. Meanwhile, all the kids start out without them.
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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by mbzporvida » Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:54 pm

Another trip around the sun ?

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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by Aloha » Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:32 pm


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Post by jwest21 » Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:45 pm

New recruit to the strapless religion here.

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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by Greg » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:13 am

not too stoked on the SURF LEASHES ( ==== NJ**) but otherwise thats a good trend..

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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by Captain John » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:01 am

When you're competing and don't want to waste time going in on the reef to retrieve your board, I think leashes are ok. These guys/girls know what they're doing and can handle a little extra risk. I def cringed a few times watching a through-wave wipeout and seeing the board pulling behind the rider, thinking about how long a leash is long enough....?

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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by friggin old guy » Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:17 pm

A few years from now, straps on directional kiteboards will be relics of history.
Not sure I agree. As much as I personally have come to prefer riding strapless in the waves, there are certain situations where it can be argued that straps open up more opportunities, especially if you like big air. Yes, strapless jumping adds another dimension of difficulty, but having come off 4 weeks of IR due to a torn hamstring, I'm a personal testimony that there can be big penalties if you don't land those jumps right.

I know the counter-argument is that you can tweak yourself just fine using straps, too......but I think that mostly applies to jumps.

In fact, I went strapless for my first time back in the surf precisely because I wanted to be able to bail easily without tweaking my leg if I had to, and I went back and forth with myself on whether it might be better to go with the straps first time. In the end I was glad I didn't have straps as I encountered a situation that probably would have tweaked my leg if I had gone with my strappie board.

But anyway, if you're in really big stuff it's easier to get out through the impact zone.....and don't forget that tow-in surfers use straps for an extra degree of control at speed. I wouldn't write straps off. Even if it's tons of fun to surf without straps, it's not an either or kind of thing.....sometime I like 'em, sometimes I don't.

Leashes.....? Might not have an alternative if your alternative is to drag over a razor reef. I think those guys can handle it.

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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by Aloha » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:35 pm

FOG I think you're right on with that post

I love strapless in waves but I've also found conditions where it can be a lot of fun on a twin-tip too (usually messier on-shore & powered up)

Ramped pops and heel-to-toe hops into wapahs just don't seem to get old

Strapped surfboard seems to torque my knees in an uncomfortable way - but if you face OH whitewater sometimes that's what it's going to take lol

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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by le noun » Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:16 pm

Hmmmmm variety. 8)
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Re: KSP Contest, aka "Kite Strapless Pro"

Post by WindMuch » Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:04 pm

Bulldog wrote:A few years from now, straps on directional kiteboards will be relics of history.
Bulldog wrote:They actually make riding in almost any situation more difficult and hamper your ability to ride waves.
Sorry. This. Just. Irks. Me.

Why the f*ck does it matter how one chooses to ride a wave? Why the on-going soapbox about strapless? It's cool you choose to ride your surfboard without straps, but for goodness sake just ride it and stop telling the rest of us how 'right' your way is...

I prefer riding with straps on my wave board. There, I said it: "I like to ride with straps." Call me a sissy. I feel I can crank my bottom turn harder using the straps as leverage. And I like to jump a surfboard with straps. On *my* board, the straps are exactly where I like my feet to be. Is that OK? It sure feels right to me. But I promise not to tell you where your feet should go; in straps or not.

When are you going to start telling us what size board to ride? How many fins? What's cool this week? What are the pro's doing? Pretty soon you'll be telling us who is allowed to kite at Waddell and who isn't... wait - that already happened: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11141&hilit=carpool

Just ride...

Kirk out

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