Suggested 'land' guidelines for 3rd Ave North

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Suggested 'land' guidelines for 3rd Ave North

Post by skysalr » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:06 am

The upper launch at 3rd is used by a large variety of kiters from a large variety of locations, countries, and skill levels. 'You' may always be able to move safely to the correct position to launch a kite safely w/o the need for help from the launcher, or 'you' may be able to recover from any botched launch from the launcher, but that is just you. We are not talking about individuals here. We are talking about everyone and every kind of situation.

I cannot begin to tell you guys how many botched launches I have witnessed at 3rd. Some from so-called experts, and some from good-intentioned but perhaps naive kiters. The kiter might be on a slippery mud patch while the launcher might be on dry land. The kiter might have placed his/her bar in an area free of kites but by the time they are ready to launch they have no room to move. The kiter may not be able to discern changes in wind direction fast enough for a safe release. The kiter might be focused on his/her launch and not be aware of other kites that have launched in back of them. The kiter might not see a twist in their lines. Etc., etc. Regardless of skill level or condition, the last person touching the kite has a responsibility that, if not taken, can result in injury, death, or destruction of property. They cannot simply do as the kiter instructs and walk away and then blame the kiter for any mishaps that then occur. They screwed up. They are responsible.

So it really doesn't matter 'what' you were taught to do, or by whom, if it doesn't make sense or it doesn't result in near perfect launches every time with every person. If not then something is wrong. By acknowledging that the launcher is an integral and essential part of a safe launch, and that a responsible launcher cannot ignore traffic issues,line issues, kiter skill level issues, wind direction or strength issues, etc., we lose nothing and gain possibly a safer and more smoothly running launch area.

Maybe it takes witnessing 10,000 launches at one site to come to this kind of realization but I don't think so. I think all it requires is to watch what is happening and have the ability to adapt using a combination of common sense and an overarching concern for the safety of others and continuity of the site.

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