Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by Aloha » Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:31 pm

Jeff are the dog access rules / regulations clearly posted somewhere at Crissy so we can point dog owners to them? i.e. Leash / Voice Control etc.

That is probably the first thing someone will ask if you confront them about their dog to help educate them on how they can help contribute to keeping access for all

Tony Soprano
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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by Tony Soprano » Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:37 pm

Aloha wrote:Jeff are the dog access rules / regulations clearly posted somewhere at Crissy so we can point dog owners to them? i.e. Leash / Voice Control etc.

That is probably the first thing someone will ask if you confront them about their dog to help educate them on how they can help contribute to keeping access for all

Just a very small sign with a symbol no dog in the bathroom, and the no dogs in the shower.

No other Dog Rule signs I am aware of.

I am done with this thread.

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by Tony Soprano » Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:52 am

I just recieved a nice friendly email from the crissy field dog group in responce to my email to them.

hi jf,

we are glad that we you have brought your concern to our attention. and of course we take these issues very seriously. actually, we have been having some of our members talking to other people who have dogs around these issues. feces from any mammal is unhealthy and we take your concerns seriously. we will continue to work on this issue from our end.

and i am glad that you brought up about other user groups at crissy field too. we are very concerned about the number and speed of bicyclists at crissy which is out of control. i saw two people get knocked over by speedy bicyclists on the promenade last week. both times the bicyclists zoomed away.

we have asked the ggnra numerous times to convene a recreation committee to address these kinds of issues so all of the user groups can work together on viable solutions. to date, the ggnra has not been open to this request.

best, martha

My letter to the dog group:

Hello, I have seen no improvement of the conduct of the dog owners at east beach Crissy field area. I would like you to have volunteer docents out there educating people as to the current GGNRA Dog Policy.http://www.nps.gov/goga/parkmgmt/pets.htm

Even though rangers may not be ticketing at east beach parking lot and pick nick area following the current rules would go along way to get along with other user groups.

I just came off the water yesterday and had my new 10 m Kite on the grass and two old fat brown labs walked over to my kite and one lifted his leg to mark my kite, but instead took a shit on it and the turds rolled down the canopy leaving brown streaks on my kite. The own apologized, picked up the turds and left me with dog shit streaks on my kite.

This could have been avoided if the owner had his dogs on leash.

Two weeks ago a dog walked over a windsurfers sail and was mentioned to the dog owner and the dog owner threatened the windsurfers.

The rigging area is mostly dried up dog shit now with some dirt and grass.

Thank You.

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by SFPete » Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:29 am

Just live and let live, man. I am sure it is not as bad as all that. Besides once they push all the dogs out, you and your kite are next.

Tony Soprano
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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by Tony Soprano » Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:34 am

SFPete wrote:Just live and let live, man. I am sure it is not as bad as all that. Besides once they push all the dogs out, you and your kite are next.

I disagree with your comment.

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by Aloha » Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:05 am

It's not about getting rid of dogs or getting rid of kites - it is about fair & safe access for all recreational users both 2 and 4-legged and people respecting other people (& doggies) for the good of the overall community using the spot

Confrontation, dialogue & education amongst the groups is core to facilitating this. If everyone follows mutually constructed agreements then we can continue to share in the good energy no matter what we're at Crissy to do

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by Loscocco » Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:13 am

SFPete wrote:Just live and let live, man. I am sure it is not as bad as all that. Besides once they push all the dogs out, you and your kite are next.
I'm not taking sides nor do i think dogs shitting on kites is acceptable but unfortunately SFPete is right.. thats why its a very fine line between trying to get someone elses activity restricted or banned and getting your own limited.

No matter what pleasurable activity you do there is always someone who doest like it or thinks it shouldn't happen in the area of their activity. Likely there is a windsurfer or dog owner or other interest group trying to get kiting banned at crissy now for whatever reason the see fit.

Lets all play together nice!!
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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by WindMuch » Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:35 pm

Yes, be careful here.

Having lived at Ocean Beach for 12 years (some years ago) and being a dog owner for many of those years, I know how quickly the dog community can/will band together into a pack (pun intended). I've never seen a community activate faster than dog owners who sense a threat - in this case it was for off-leash access at OB and the whole Snowy Plover conundrum. Dog owners can be a strong enemy or an excellent ally.

While I don't think shit on your kite was much fun or deserved, I'd recommend choosing dog owners as allies, rather than the opposite...

Kirk out

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by OliverG » Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:26 pm

Aloha wrote:It's not about getting rid of dogs or getting rid of kites - it is about fair & safe access for all recreational users both 2 and 4-legged and people respecting other people (& doggies) for the good of the overall community using the spot

Confrontation, dialogue & education amongst the groups is core to facilitating this. If everyone follows mutually constructed agreements then we can continue to share in the good energy no matter what we're at Crissy to do

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Re: Dangerous Dog Poop and Unstable Owners.

Post by OliverG » Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:32 pm

Today after a long MTB ride my olfactory senses told me something was amiss and sure enough I discovered a fat wad of dogshit lodged into the tread of my front tire. I scraped the bulk of off with a stick so the bits didn't come flying off at speed into my face. What else are you going to do? Generally, where I ride people pick up and bag up, but sometimes to dog sneaks out a stealth turd or somebody just doesn't pick it up, usually people are pretty good about it. But I found it before centrifugal force let it find me! H&hu

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