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Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:42 am
by nexus
I had terrible back pain with a waist harness. When I switched to a pair of nitrous shorts it was a game changer for me. I had kind of accepted the idea that kiting meant pain and discomfort. Not any more. Im on my second season with the nitrous and haven't looked back for a second. I find that there isn't any real need to make the leg straps uncomfortably tight. The fact that they are there at all is enough to keep the harness from riding up. No crushed balls, no back pain. I'm a fan.

I haven't tried any other seat harnesses so I can't compare.

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:55 pm
by vdeub
did not get any ball crushing, but riding Toe side, the pad does not turn at all, then the chicken loop is pulling hard against the leg and the pelvis. if my leg straps are too loose, the straps ride up and squizzed my butt. But discomfort is better than pain.

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:11 pm
by sc-surfer
True on the hook not sliding around like on a waist harness. I highly recommend the Dynabar. The sliding hook is MONEY. Makes all riding positions more comfortable. Not sure what style you ride most, but there are 3 options on the bar. The free ride one has a bend in the middle that keeps the hook centered most of the time but allows it to rotate when needed. The pro surf bar slides pretty much freely at all times, and the pro race setup is just a rope that the hook slides on. I started on the free ride but now I'm riding the pro race setup. Combined with the Nitrous shorts I have more hip freedom than ever and all riding positions are comfortable. Toeside is WAY easier.
There are those who poo-poo the Dynabar but there's NO question it makes riding more comfortable, and actually allows you to ride better because of the freedom of movement.

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:35 pm
by vdeub
how do that work during jumps ? do you end up in weird sideway positions ? is it easy to get used to ?

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 8:50 am
by Aloha
Game Change.png
Game Change.png (194.89KiB)Viewed 4791 times

Lower back pain

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:49 am
by sc-surfer

If I'm specifically going out to jump I usually use a regular hook. However, no, jumping still works fine. In fact maybe better on the directional as you can rotate into the landing.

Try it and you won't go back.

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:58 pm
by adamrod
i hated the dynabar. i use this setup (this isn't mine, but mine looks like this) instead. you get the best of both worlds, without the need to switch hooks. and it's quite a bit cheaper than the dynabar.
sliding hook.PNG
sliding hook.PNG (662.49KiB)Viewed 4763 times
(your chicken loop hooks into the clip for good toeside riding, and you can hook into the hook if you want to do freestyle or jump...)

quite a few of the wave guys on the coast use a setup like this.

as for the shorts harness? sure, i'm biased, but the LF shorts harness is much more comfortable than the dakine. unfortunately, they stopped making them a few years ago...but i've been riding a proto 2013 which i designed and it's awesome...soo, once those ship you can bet i'm going to try to convince everyone to give them a shot :-)

tons of flexibility (almost like a climbing harness) and super light/low profile. not sure why anyone would want a big bulky harness for freestyle or the waves...

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:51 pm
by vdeub
why you hate the DynaBar and like this setup ? they seem very similar to me ...

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:22 pm
by yojimbo
I love that set-up, and inexpensive as well. Definitely gonna give this a try.

Re: Lower back pain

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:44 pm
by adamrod
why you hate the DynaBar and like this setup ? they seem very similar to me ...

The dynabar had no way to lock the hook at the center. So, when jumping, you end up with the hook on one side all tweaked out. This setup, allows me to use the normal hook for jumping.

The dynabar hook flopped around a bunch so if you unhook, good luck getting it hooked back in. they might have fixed it, but it was a big issue with the one i had. I like riding waves unhooked (for the rare days i ride waves ha!), so this was frustrating too.

I guess it was just annoying switching between a freestyle hook and a wave (dynabar) hook. I'd have to make a conscious decision "i'm not going to do any freestyle today" because dynabar basically meant no unhooking or big air. That said, the dynabar was awesome for waves, but I ended up never using it because it limited my options.

This setup has its limitations too (the rope will wear out eventually, the leash clip doesn't allow you to release the chicken loop). but, it works for me, and the price is right :-)