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Post by Kies » Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:53 am

BEST needs to design the new nemisis with a leading edge made of PVC pipe.

Not need to pump. Stays stiff. lasts longer. (no jokes there)

It is not transportable.
BEST needs to donate 10 kites per site. The kites stay at the site and y0u check them out like a library card. You get certified for the card as kitemares. Pay a yearly fee to keep BEST in business and the Kites in shape. Anywhere you travel the kites are there. You bring your own gear.

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Post by knyfe » Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:07 pm

Nice Kies ;-)

Best obviousely needs something better than BEST. The HF is not the new thing they advertise and now other companies steal their show with a new design. (actually its the old c-quad idea..), How bad must it be that they have to advertise something new-new which makes their actual new kite obsolete???


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Post by Fishneck » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:30 pm

Anyone not trying something new is in the dark ages! I refuse to knock something till i try it you all should do the same or are you afraid?

Bullroarer Took
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Post by Bullroarer Took » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:50 pm

I don't think fear has anything to do with it, unless it's fear of wasting money. Historically first generation consumer products with radically new materials or designs don't work that well. That's a generic statement, not directed at Best. I am sticking with 'traditional' (if such a word can be used in this context) designs and materials for now. Equipment in this sport is evolving rapidly and there are plenty of early adopters keen on being lab rats. That's fine with me.

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Post by Bullroarer Took » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:54 pm

Btw... I kinda like the name 'Helitosis'.

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Post by feixaq » Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:59 pm

Afraid of a CAD/surfplan vaporware drawing superimposed on a sky background? No reason to be. Irritated with the endless hype and juvenile frat boy marketing strategy? Most definitely.

I have an '04 Yarga and used to own an '04 Nemesis as well, and they're both pretty good kites. Windwing is (relatively) new to the kiting scene, and I have no reservations purchasing or recommending their products.

Where I personally draw the line, though, is financing R&D and net working capital requirements through pre-orders charged to credit cards 3-4 months before customers actually take delivery of the end product, all the while spewing an endless amount of false advertising and revisionist history.


Post by kies » Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:45 pm


Are you illiterate?

What did I write that says anything about being afraid of anything. What kites do I own and have on order???

Re-read it.

I say we design a solid kite. No need to pump. It does not breakdown, so we leave it at sites for all to use. I can't transport a PVC piped kite, unless it telescopes down...hmmmm?

Have you never heard of yellow bike...use the bike, leave it for others. Copenhagan does it I believe.
Just a good forward thinking idea.
Why so defensive. I never knocked anyone. I own best and ww and others. chill man.

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Post by Fishneck » Fri Jul 08, 2005 5:59 pm


Im not trying to post up on you all im trying to say is that when any new product is developed people tend to talk crap about it before even trying the item. That is a very narrow view and I use to feel the same way till I became enlightened in other industries. I am trying to say that Best has a new idea that could revolutionize or not the sport, that is yet to be seen but no one should knock it till they have personally tried it, at that point they can say whatever they feel.
The orignal comment I made was not a direct attack at you I apologise if that is how it came across.
Yes I do ride Best and look forward to trying the Nemisis if nothing more just to see the damn thing in the air.

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Post by OliverG » Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:46 pm

feixaq wrote:Afraid of a CAD/surfplan vaporware drawing superimposed on a sky background? No reason to be. Irritated with the endless hype and juvenile frat boy marketing strategy? Most definitely.

I have an '04 Yarga and used to own an '04 Nemesis as well, and they're both pretty good kites. Windwing is (relatively) new to the kiting scene, and I have no reservations purchasing or recommending their products.

Where I personally draw the line, though, is financing R&D and net working capital requirements through pre-orders charged to credit cards 3-4 months before customers actually take delivery of the end product, all the while spewing an endless amount of false advertising and revisionist history.
Great insight and legit views! I've flown Best kites in the past and they're good, but can't they just chill? The hype with the volume turned up to 11 doesn't give me that warm, fuzzy feeling, if you know what I mean.

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Post by dt » Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:54 pm

BayAreaKite wrote: I've flown Best kites in the past and they're good, but can't they just chill? The hype with the volume turned up to 11 doesn't give me that warm, fuzzy feeling, if you know what I mean.
I agree that Best's hype for the HF was overboard on kiteforum but the bashers are overboard too. There are sooo many who just want to argue and complain on every thread and every stupid bash post brings the stupid thread back up to the top. I wish people would just let the threads die. If they don't like Best, don't read Best threads. It amazed me how many Best bashers went out of their way to go to the Hellfish forum to fill up all those threads too.

Now I am complaining about the complainers. Can you tell I didn't kite today? Anyway, while I am complaining I'll add that it pist me off because I ordered a HF and was always looking for more honest reviews. It was a pain scanning through all the bs trying to ferret out smidgeons of truth from the hype and the bashers. Two weeks ago I gave up and cancelled my order. Now I will wait for a few reviews of the final product before considering re-ordering again.

Since I am blabbering I will add my two cents that I think flat kites will be great in small sizes around here for the typical coast nuke wave riding days and a 17M HF might be good for light days on the bay. We will see. In the mean time, I am going to try to avoid the hype and the bashing.


PS: Kies, your idea won't work because PVC is way too heavy for a kite. The closest we could get to your concept is shops renting kites and that probably won't work because of liability issues and because people would wreck them.

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